Help Identifying and Valuing Vintage Harvard Yale Regatta Tie

dimanche 1 novembre 2015

Came across 3 of these wonderful ties at a Goodwill this past week. They seemed to be in new or like new condition, which seems like a really weird find. Three, seemingly new condition, ties from the Andover Shop that were sold almost 40 years ago at a thrift store in western Pennsylvania. I only picked up 2 of them because one had a crease in it that I wasn't sure would press out nicely. I was thinking of keeping one and reselling the other. Could anybody provide some insight on the tie itself or what it might be worth? It seems like it might have a bit more value than a regular Andover Shop tie considering the historical significance. (pictures are borrowed from a Tumblr blog)

Help Identifying and Valuing Vintage Harvard Yale Regatta Tie

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