
mercredi 23 décembre 2015

I live in the southwestern desert area, so the western look is fine here. I photograph rodeos so it is expected that I wear cowboy boots and a cowboy hat.

I bought some boots that are maple in color. I can't find a belt that is an exact match. The boots are Ariat and the company their own brand of belts, so it would seem reasonable that they offer a belt to match, alas, they do not. Should I try to match it or get a belt that is brown or black?

Black jeans are not common here, but they will look good with the boots, as does the traditional blue jean.

Thinking about a black shirt to wear with the black jeans and blue shirt with the blue jeans.

I am 5' 5" tall and I look silly in a big cowboy hat. Stetson has some western hats that are more like a fedora with a wider brim. Black? dark brown (mink), or medium brown (bark)?

How do I upload a jpeg?

Here is the link to the photo on my web page that shows the boots and hat and belt.

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