Most Versatile/Durable *Grown Up* Man's Sneaker - Make, Material & Color

mercredi 23 septembre 2015

At the risk of being run out of town on a pike, I need to open by saying I don't like the way it looks when a man's footwear is the brightest element of his outfit. Just seems rather juvenile. As such, I'm of the sort that thinks white sneakers belong at the gym.

::ducks a few tomatoes::

Most of my footwear are brogues and boots and I generally don't like anything that looks like it was made specifically for athletics. But for light traveling around Europe/Asia and frequent walking, I've realized that there is a hole in my wardrobe: the all-around leather sneaker.

So I will put the question to you fine gents: What, in your opinion, would be the most durable and versatile make, maaterial and color of leather sneaker out there?

So far, the two makes of sneaker that have intrigued me the most are Common Projects (great but way over priced these days) and Buttero (minimal with a bit of an Italian edge).

Common Projects Achilles:

Buttero Tanino:

Both of these are reportedly very durable, and extremely comfortable when broken in. They're also minimalist and more or less unbranded. Very smart looking.

In terms of color, everyone's got an opinion. I personally think the most versatile color is gray. Though gray is a bit boring. From there, perhaps navy blue and burgundy, followed by tan, black and medium-dark brown.

For material, I'm split between suede and calf. Both have their benefits, but I think calf can be dressed up a bit easier. Personally, I'm learning toward CPs in burgundy calf. But virtually everyone "fashion-focused" that I asked say burgundy sneakers are a crazy idea.

So how about you? What would you pick if you had just one (non-white) sneaker?
Most Versatile/Durable *Grown Up* Man's Sneaker - Make, Material & Color

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