BB Blazer Question?

jeudi 27 août 2015

Just wondering,

I was planning on buying a Brooks Brothers blazer pretty soon and I was wondering which would be better to get the standard BB blazer(which is a Fitzgerald fit) or a Country Club Saxxon?

Fitizgerald Fit blazer

Country Club Saxxon blazer

From what I've heard the Country Club one is full canvassed? Is this true? Personally I like the look and style of the Fitizgerald one better.

Also on a point of ettiqute. This is the first time I've really bought anything from a main line store like this. A week and a half or so earlier I went in and tried on a couple of these blazers with one of the salesman. However, he is not in for the next couple of days. Would it be wrong to go in and buy from another guy there instead of him? If so I might just wait until he is back in.

Thank you again,
BB Blazer Question?

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