Olive Pants with Blue Blazers?

jeudi 1 octobre 2015

I know this is prolly a semi-verboten Trad Topic...lol.. but...

Like many of you, the blazer and wool grey garbs/flannel combination were practically a "uniform" growing up and throughout prep school and college and beyond. This will always be my staple more or less.

Last year, however, and on a whim, I began wearing olive flannel pants with my flannel blazer and I absolutely loved the combination. They go even better with my Alden No 8. Cordovans. So then I tried them with other olives and was quite pleased with the look.

Now, it has to be the RIGHT olive - not a super green or yellowy olive - but with a blue-toned olive (Jpress olive whipcord or garbs) or a light mossy type olive (RL flannels - pictured) I think they look great.

My iPhone camera is even worse than my abilities methinks.

What's your opinion?

Olive Pants with Blue Blazers?

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