Changin/rotating your clothes

lundi 12 octobre 2015

I've seen all. Blokes that wore the same clothes for a whole week (along with the coffee stain on the shirt that was aquired on monday) and people that would change their attire on a daily basis which means not only a different pair of pants and shirt or suit but also different variations of different colors and fabrics and styles from business to "casual" to entertain some variation in the way they dress ableit carefully maintaining and entertaining a personal style. I belong to the latter such as probably most if not all members in that forum. Sometimes, exceptionnally, I would wear the same pants at two days in a week because they would match well with a particular shirt and an odd jacket but never on two consecutive days (needless to say that the shirt always goes in the laundry at the end of the day). Variation is the spice of life and it's a pleasure to choose ones clothes in the morning. But there are moments when I tell myself that life would be much easier, if I could wear the same suit for a week and perhaps change only the shirt and the tie (I have a friend who is a lawyer who does it like that). What's your take on this? Is a daily rotation mandatory?
Changin/rotating your clothes

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