Get me out of Rome before my credit card expodes! Shopping recs please asap. . .

dimanche 6 septembre 2015

Wow, just wow. On my first trip to Rome - 'til now my girlfriend and I have stayed away from the shopping - being good cultural tourists and sticking to ruins and museums. But today we decided an afternoon of shopping couldn't hurt. So we separated for the afternoon and I got lost in a neighborhood of seemingly endless shops down endless beautiful cobblestone streets (near the Spanish steps).

Everything fits! I mean, my God. Everything fits! Off the rack! And you don't have to spend a fortune either - regular, average priced clothing FITS.

So far I've picked up a t-shirt, sweater and cotton jacket at David Aman, and a classic full length lightweight blue sport coat at Pal Zileri. I'm not sure if I got ripped off at Zileri but it is mainline, and the entire store claims to be having a 50% off sale. The jacket was tagged at 1,200 euros and I got it for 550. The cut is great and it will need almost no work at my tailor when I get home.

Any recommendations for good value jackets, shoes and shirts are greatly appreciated! I have a few more days in the city to do more damage. . .
Get me out of Rome before my credit card expodes! Shopping recs please asap. . .

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