AE Loden Green Dundee 2.0 chukkas - sad story

vendredi 4 septembre 2015

Not sure when/where this AE configuarion was sold - but in the recent Shoebank sale, a pair of loden green suede Dundee 2.0 chukkas was available in my size.

The website had no picture of them, but I bought them sight-unseen, because loden suede chukkas just sound terrific to me.

They are indeed lovely shoes - see pic below. However, while they were marked my correct size, 9.5D, they unfortunately fit significantly smaller than the approx 10 other AEs I own in this size. I also happen to own the Fullerton, which is on the same last as the Dundee 2.0, and yet this pair I of Dundee 2.0's is smaller than the Fullerton - I also confirmed that the sole length measures shorter.

My conclusion is that the size was somehow mis-marked by AE - pretty sure they were a 8.5 or 9 - so I've sadly returned the shoes. There are no other 9.5 or 10s available in this model, so I'm out of luck. What a strange and disappointing thing to happen! I am hoping to see this configuration become available from AE in the future.

AE Loden Green Dundee 2.0 chukkas - sad story

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