Tie-Matching Blues and next suit move question

dimanche 27 septembre 2015


I don't really know how to "match" suits and ties, and so I am asking for everyone's collective advice. I read through Andy's helpful article on the color wheel, but I am not sure how to proceed.

I have a blue repp stripe tie (very similar to this http://ift.tt/1NVU3NQ in "navy-light blue"), a navy grenadine tie, and a charcoal-striped tie that I wear too often with the 4 suits I have below. I know there are other tie colors besides blue and charcoal but I am not great at tie matching.

My preference for tie color is whatever will work with the most amount of the 4 suits I currently own below:

I was thinking I would get 2 solid color grenadine ties of a burgundy grenadine and a silver grenadine. Any tie color advice?

My one other question is that I want to add a 5th suit, but I can't get too flashy or inventive with colors/patterns. Based on my observation of my other coworkers at my firm, their suit patterns are most often navy or charocal or gray solids and an occasional stripe (basically what I have). Is it a waste to repeat any colors I have? What about something like this as a 5th? http://ift.tt/1NVU0S5 Or would you go with a different 5th color?

Thanks everyone!
Tie-Matching Blues and next suit move question

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