The Odyssey of Cleaning Mucked-Up Shell

mercredi 30 septembre 2015

Hello all,

I recently purchased a pair of shell cordovan AE Dalton boots secondhand, and the previous owner seems to have used some sort of product. The shell was very waxy and clouded - tacky to the touch. Here are some pictures of the boots upon receipt:

I then cleaned off the dirt with a damp rag and gave a cursory brush, and then went after them with some Saphir Renovateur. After two and a half gunk-filled rags and a few more hours of brushing, there is marked progress, but no where close to being complete.

As you can see, there is still quite a bit of residue and cloudiness. The beautiful luster of shell is still hidden. Here are two more photos demonstrating the residue. First, a side shot taken immediately after some vigorous brushing:

Second, the same shot after I merely brush my fingers from top to bottom:

One can clearly see the waxy haze still present. So now I come here to ask for advice - what is my next step? What products should I use that would be more effective and perhaps less expensive?

Thanks everyone in advance!
Attached Images
The Odyssey of Cleaning Mucked-Up Shell

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