Fox Hunt Style Boots

samedi 29 août 2015

Everytime I leave something in my shopping cart on Ralph Lauren's website, they send the same email with the following photo.

"We've kept your shoping bag safe" they say, but I know they're just pulling on my wallet strings. Especialy with those boots.. I'm on Uncle Ralph's website a few times every month, adding and dropping things from my cart, so over time those have boots made quite an impression on me. I wanted and needed them. And then I finally found them on eBay. Won the auction fair and square. Then the seller backed out because they didn't get bid up enough. I can't tell you how mad I was, especially not having any way to push his hand. You can't force a seller to send you something, and so I let it go and moved on.

Or so I thought. The seller relists them every week, and there they are. Taunting me with their distinctive fox hunt style. One day boots, you will be mine. I might make an offer this afternoon.. Or I might just try to get over them.
Fox Hunt Style Boots

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