Cradle To Grave - Another British TV show that maybe worth a look

lundi 31 août 2015

As you may know, my wife works a post production supervisor in the television business, so although we don't have a TV ourselves, I am often caught watching clips, and sometimes entire episodes of various shows she may be working on.

Of course, some are awful, and some should never have seen the light of day, (Pompidou being the most notorious example, which the BBC will try to brush under the carpet), but sometimes there is a show worth watching.
Cradle To Grave is one of these.
Eight half hour episodes of comedy/drama set in working class South London of the mid 1970's.
Based on the teenage years of London DJ and radio broadcaster Danny Baker, the stories are funny and the performances are good. And, although the 70's are not that long ago, it really is another world, in a London prior to "cultural enrichment".

There is a very small clothing related angle too, at a time when teenage boys actually cared about what they wore and getting the latest style of trousers was most important.

The show airs next Thursday, Sept 3rd, on BBC2 I think, although it was made by ITV for the BBC, which is very odd.
I'm sure it'll be available online in the future too.

Cradle To Grave - Another British TV show that maybe worth a look

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