Stained T White Shirts

dimanche 27 décembre 2015

I had went to the laundromat to do my laundry. Here... almost no one here does their own laundry. They go to a laundromat to have it done where they do everything for you.

When i went and did my laundry, few of my white shirts got stained. Its like brown stains on it. I figured the reason for this was b/c i foolishly threw in my leather belt into the washing machine along with my clothes. These t shirts are brand new and i just decided to throw it in as well.

Can someone tell me can I get rid of these stains? Someone in another forum had said just get bleach and that should do the trick. I then got clorox bleach and it didn't do anything but seemed to make these stains even more noticeable.

The other issue is these shirts have been like this for a few weeks already. I just read you are suppose to get rid of these stains quickly but i been lazy with it as i had left these clothes there in my closet.

Is there a way for me to still get rid of these stains? Someone had told me after i had put these t shirts into the dryer after washing at the laundromat, its impossible to get rid of these stains. Can someone here confirm if its true or not? And the reason why im frustrated is b/c i cannot get these t shirts here where im located. They are banana republic t shirts.
Stained T White Shirts

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