What to wear? Driven bird shooting.

mercredi 25 novembre 2015

As many of you know I'm an avid sportsman who frequently grouse hunts. Well, I'm off to England for a driven bird day, soon. The syndicate I'll be shooting with is a small operation, and it's a walk one-shoot one day. We will shoot 6 drives, of which I will beat 3, and shoot 3. It's not a formal affair, and I've been told I won't need a tie (though as a guest I'll wear one until told to remove it), nor a full set of tweeds. That said, I do have a bit of "kit" and would like to dress somewhat appropriately with what I've got.

So, I've put together a few possible rigs (who ever thought that might happen at AAAC?). Looking for input, especially from any shooting enthusiasts.






What to wear? Driven bird shooting.

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